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HomeCar NavigationFSC CODE MAP


$ 29.99$ 39.99

What Map Version Will I Get?

All Maps are available NEXT 2025, PREMIUM 2023, EVO 2024, ROUTE 2024, WAY 2024 & LIVE 2024.

To update your BMW or Mini’s navigation system, you’ll need a specific 20-digit code known as the BMW Map FSC Code. This FSC code can only be used once to update the navigation maps. Any additional changes will necessitate the purchase of a new code.

The FSC code is linked to the VIN number and map version of your vehicle. We will NOT be able to refund your money if you enter the incorrect VIN number or choose the incorrect Map Version. We require the donor VIN/Chasis number for retrofitted head units. Please review our Terms and Conditions.

Because we collect files directly from the BMW database, the codes are all the same as they are at the dealership.

  1. One-time FSC Code: It only works once and will prompt you for a new code with each navigation update. Price 20$
  2. Lifetime FSC Code: The FSC code will be saved in the database and will never be required in the future when the navigation will be updated. Price 30$
Fsc Code Type

Life-Time, One-Time


Australia & New Zealand, Europe, Middle East Region, North America


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Should any questions arise during the map update procedure,

The USB interface port required for the map update can be found in the glove compartment. Should there be no USB interface port in the glove compartment, please use the USB interface port in the center console or in the storage compartment in the center armrest

No. When you continue your journey after a stop, updating
automatically resumes (assuming the USB stick is still connected).

Check for the following possible errors:
• If the vehicle identification number ( VIN) on the BMW Navigation Cer tificate (FSC) match the VIN of your vehicle? (This can be found in your registration document)
• Did you avoid entering zeros and ones when typing in the activation code? (Danger of confusion with “I” and “O”.)

  1. If map style is premium then USB format must be fat32, if map styles are NEXT, WAY, ROUTE, EVO then USB format must be exfat.
  2. Download map and extract Copy all file in folder NAVDxxx_xxx to usb. ( File in Folder NAVDxxx_xxx )
  3. Plug USB in car start update from screen.
  4. Enter FSC codeupdate Success
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